Thursday, June 02, 2005

Deep Throat Steps from the Shadows

How ironic it is, now that W. Mark Felt has revealed himself as the Watergate informer identified by the pseudonym Deep Throat, that the question most commonly asked by the chattering classes is: Who the Hell is W. Mark Felt? It was always much more delicious to speculate that it was someone with a higher profile, like Haig or Kissinger, that was doing the canary work in underground parking lots in the 1970s that led to Nixon's Waterloo.

Watergate remains a very profound moment in US - and therefore world - history, so it's fascinating to read Bob Woodward's long article in this morning Washington Post about his relationship with Felt, and how the whole thing came to be.

Someone once opined that Watergate could never happen in Ireland as no-one would print the stories in the first place, and everyone would know who Deep Throat was. And how true that is, unfortunately.